Monday, November 19, 2007

seriously now

ok well i have heard bits and pieces in regards to the movie Knocked Up. But seriously did they need to show a cha cha? Julie and I died laughing. Even now I just keep laughing. It is disturbing to the point of sheer humor.
I was not really impressed with the movie but definately glad I watched it. And I never want to have a Baby. Adoption is the only option. Ok not really but right now I will stick to remaining un-knocked up.

Today has been incredible to say the least. I can't even explain it. It is like instead of being sad I have been rediculously happy. This pressure has just been lifted. I can't even count the amount of amazingly hillarious things that happened today. And it was as if all day these people came across my path that just made me laugh. My mom called and we talked about the past few days and as I talked I was blown away by the fact that I was so free feeling. I think for the first time I feel so content in knowing that I have no control. I get to live freely. I can dance. Dance until I am swept off my feet. Or until I get tired.

I have the day off tomorrow and I can't wait to spend the day doing things I have put off doing for so long because my mind has been pre-occupied. The day is mine to dive into. To breath deeply and to laugh as loud as I want to.

I may just have to go streaking through Denver.


Unknown said...

Haha, that's tight. Barry and I tried to get Focus to adopt the movie as their flagship film against abortion... it didn't really fly. The whole vagina thing and all.