Monday, March 10, 2008

street smarts

i have been told by a certain unmentionable person that i do not blog enough/since i started dating that "someone" again, so here goes.

well today was yet another beautiful day in Colorado. i enjoyed my day thoroughly...picnics at the park, tickle fights, listening, talking, laughing...just an perfect day. i went to the library and felt overwhelmed with a sense that i know nothing. sure i know things, but not the kind of things that i should know. i would say i definitely have "street smarts" and probablly pride myself on that. but beyond that i don't pursue knowledge as i should. reason being, i think i am an extremist at times. example: i see kids in high school and college that were so obsessed with knowledge and good grades that they would be unable to enjoy the simple pleasures in life for fear of not achieving some ridiculous goal. i then in return run the opposite direction and just soak up all of life's experiences and miss out on the discipline of gaining a well rounded type of knowledge. Or if someone is overly versed in political matters i just avoid the subject all together for fear of looking stupid or for fear of taking away from quality time together. Well needless to say i have committed to listening to talk radio or books on tape on my drive to and from work. it feels good to learn by choice again rather than for requirement or other extrinsic reasons.
I am reading a book by David Sedaris. i'll write a review on it as soon as i finish.


MSHN said...

Grace! I love your blog! This was especially insightful, hopefully people will appreciate having a well rounded doctor, rather than just one that got all As in medical school. Oh and I liked the salt and light post too.

Anonymous said...

You think I don't read this, but I do. I can't wait for the review.