Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Salt and Light

I have been meaning to write about Sunday for a few days now...
I finally decided to start going to Denver Community church and this was a perfect Sunday to be a part of that community. I sat amazed as God just spoke so directly to my heart. The pastor spoke from the passage in Matthew about being salt and light. Salt is meant to preserve, heal, or destroy. Its meaning in this context is uncertain however I related so well with each of these meanings.
In our everyday encounters with people we can bring all of these things. We can be a preservation of God's promises, a healing ointment for those who are hurting, and a destructive force to the walls that years of hurt have built up in peoples' lives.

Light is the opposite of darkness. Wherever we are we can be a light. A joy. Put a smile on someones face.

We are to be drastically different. When I think about my day to day and how many times I fall short of being different I am reminded that being Salt and Light is not a one man job but it is a job for a community of believers. If it were just me there would be no room to fail. But a community allows for failure and offers a hand to pull me up when I do.

The ironic thing about all of this is what happened while I was taking notes.
I flipped my page to write on the back of it and discovered some things a friend had jotted down for me a few months ago at a time when I had ended a relationship. I was hurting and questioning my own standards. I wrote down things that I wanted to do to discover healing as well as things that I desired in the future. I have often thought about these lists and these standards and wondered if I have set the bar too high. But Sunday as I came across this I was amazed to see how each act of healing had taken place in my heart without even knowing. And each thing that was on my list of desires/standards for future relationships was not unatainable but has been shown to me as attainable and worth waiting for.

God is so faithful and loves me more than I even know. I know that the places I have come from, the love and the trials I have been through only point me closer to his endless love for me.

Now I get to share that gracious love with others through my community.


ashley jada said...

hey!! i did not know you had a blog! woot woot!! i LOVE reading it!:) miss and love you!!