Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I have been sewing a ton. There is something so exciting about finding the beauty in something that most people would walk by and never think twice about. It seems like all the adjusting I am doing on my garments is parallel to the adjusting that is going on in my own life. (deep isn't it).
I recently moved to Colorado to start something new. I am living in a new town, with brand new people, a new job, and a new church. I am done with school which I have done for the past 18 years of my life. My friends are scattered everywhere. But I have an overwhelming sense of home here. It is like all of my passions just fit perfectly into this environment. I mean I can watch The Hills whenever I want. What more could I ask for? But in all honesty I could not ask for a better place to be. I feel like I am experiencing a life few get to experience because they are married(or even dating for that matter) or pursuing an intense carrier or they are living alone. I feel so blessed. I am living with 4 incredible women who Love the Lord. And we just have a blast together. There is no pressure to be in a relationship which is what I felt all the time back home. And I just feel so free.
Don't get me wrong I miss so many people that are part of my life but I am trusting that they are experiencing life to the fullest where they are at as well. But I miss you. I do.

In other news I bought two rugs at Urban and cut them into squares and circles. Cool idea except I am not sure if the day will come when they stop shedding fuzzies on the ground.

Next project: Corduroy trousers.